An ode to balmy nights, gentle summer breezes and a nostalgic scent of delicious food. It’s the season of family gatherings and coming together.

 A season where one escapes into the warmth of European summer days, evenings of alfresco dining and delights of tasting, sipping and laying back to take in the surrounds.

A season where we take a break and reflect on what was, and the possibilities of what is to come.

“Summer Escapes” - State of Escape blog excerpt

I remember like it was yesterday, the summer of 2001. Sharing a towel while watching the waves, covered by shade of a tree where magpies sung.  

Salty wet hair, slowly drying into curls. Sucking on lemon Calippos, we had no care in the world.

Havaianas in hand as we strolled back home, freckles on our shoulders and a sprinkling on our nose.

 We were wide eyed and innocent, laughing, playing, and creating the perfect summer where anything goes.

“Summer ” - Personal archives 2023

She wore pearls on her ears and layered her necklaces.

She loved lilac and the flower she picked was lavender.

On our walks she would stop and let me smell each flower that we found along the way.

“Dorothy ” - Personal archives 2020

Don’t let those precious words that come to mind be forgotten. When gone, they have escaped out of the potential to find a place on a page.

“Escaping words” - Personal archives 2023